Mary Barra Net Worth Age, Height, Career, Family, Personal Life, Wiki & More!

by Manish
Mary Barra Net Worth

Since her departure from Waterford, Michigan in 1992, Mary Barra has progressed to become one of the most powerful business executives in the world. She has broken glass ceilings to oversee one of General Motors Corporation’s (GM) largest and most successful automotive divisions along a path marked by obstacles and continued success. Let’s explore Mary Barra’s extraordinary life.

Who is Mary Barra, exactly?

Mary Barra, a native of Waterford, Michigan, is proof of the effectiveness of perseverance and hard work. From a manufacturing worker to the CEO of General Motors in 2014, she ascended the corporate ladder. Her influence extends beyond the automobile sector; Time magazine named her one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.”

Category Information
Full Name Mary Teresa Makela Barra
Date of Birth December 24, 1961 (Age as of last update: 61 years)
Place of Birth Waterford, Michigan, United States
Height Information not publicly available
Net Worth (2021) Estimated at $60 million
Career CEO of General Motors Corporation
Family Married to Anthony E. Barra
Children: No publicly known children
Education Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business

Which Elements Help to Make Her Wealth?

Mary Barra has an estimated net worth of $60 million as of June 1st, 2023, placing her among the wealthiest business executives in the country. Her tenure at General Motors and inventive leadership style have not only been extremely beneficial to the firm but have also made a substantial contribution to her own financial success.

Is Mary Barra the Only Notable CEO in the Automotive Industry?

While Mary Barra’s accomplishments are clearly noteworthy, it’s also critical to recognise other well-known figures in the automotive sector. Alan Mulally is one example of a person who has held important positions in well-known auto manufacturers. The fiercely competitive automotive industry is home to a large number of innovators who propel development and strategy within their individual organisations.

Mary Barra’s Personal Life: Some Insights

Anthony E. Barra is the husband of Mary Barra. There is no information in the public domain as of January 12, 2023, suggesting that she is dating anyone else. Mary is committed to discretion and privacy, which is demonstrated by the lack of information about her previous relationships.

Religion and Ethnicity

There isn’t much information available in the public domain on Mary Barra’s ethnicity, despite the fact that public people are frequently questioned about their race, religion, and political beliefs. Her political and religious views are also mostly kept a secret. Her professional conduct and job accomplishments are the main topics of conversation surrounding her, demonstrating her dedication to professionalism.

Physical characteristics

Mary Barra’s height, weight, and body measurements are not generally known to the general public. However, there is no disputing her towering presence in business and her substantial impact in the automotive sector.

Many aspirants hoping to succeed in typically male-dominated fields find encouragement in Mary Barra’s journey. Her unique leadership style and illustrious career at General Motors have made her stand out. Her life and work will become more and more clear as time goes on, adding to the already magnificent tapestry of her experiences.

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