Where is Cathi Bedy Now? What’s Her Story?

by Manish
Where is Cathi Bedy Now

Cathi Bedy, a name that has gained attention in recent years due to her involvement in a high-profile legal case, is currently located in Clearwater, Florida. Her LinkedIn profile provides some insight into her professional life, indicating that she works as a licensed clinical social worker at OBGYN Associates, with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital listed as her workplace as of November 10, 2023. In this article, we will delve into the details of Cathi Bedy’s background, her role in the legal case, and her current whereabouts.

Who is Cathi Bedy?

Cathi Bedy, also known simply as Cathi, first came into the public eye as a social worker assigned to the case of Maya Kowalski in St. Petersburg, Florida. The circumstances surrounding this case were complex and troubling. It all began when medical professionals suspected Maya’s mother, Beata, of suffering from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, a rare and serious form of child abuse. This suspicion arose when Beata, a registered nurse, sought medical help for her daughter’s extreme abdominal pain.

Bedy’s role in Maya’s life became crucial during this tumultuous period. However, it’s worth noting that prior to her involvement in this case, Cathi Bedy had faced allegations of child abuse in 2007. These allegations stemmed from her use of troubling strategies to control the behavior of a 10-year-old boy while managing foster care children. Despite these previous accusations, she became Maya’s social worker, contributing to the family’s harrowing experiences and legal battles.

Legal Battles and Uncertainties

In 2021, Maya Kowalski and her family made headlines by winning a substantial $200 million lawsuit against a Florida children’s hospital. Legal action was also directed at Cathi Bedy and Dr. Sally Smith, along with her employer, Suncoast Center. While the family settled with Dr. Sally Smith and Suncoast Center for a reported $2.5 million, it remains unclear if a settlement was reached with Cathi Bedy.

Current Whereabouts

Cathi Bedy’s current whereabouts indicate that she resides in Clearwater, Florida, as mentioned on her LinkedIn profile. Her role as a licensed clinical social worker at OBGYN Associates is also listed on her profile. It’s noteworthy that the legal case against Bedy was dropped shortly before the trial, leaving some aspects of the situation unresolved.


The story of Cathi Bedy is a complex one, marked by her involvement in a high-stakes legal case and the controversies surrounding her past. While she is currently based in Clearwater, Florida, and continues her work as a licensed clinical social worker, questions linger about the legal proceedings and her role in them. The situation surrounding Cathi Bedy serves as a reminder of the intricacies and uncertainties that can arise in the world of social work and legal battles.


1. Who is Cathi Bedy?

Cathi Bedy, also known as Cathi, was a social worker involved in the case of Maya Kowalski in St. Petersburg, Florida. Her role became significant when medical professionals suspected Maya’s mother, Beata, of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

2. What led to suspicions of Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

Medical professionals suspected Munchausen syndrome by proxy when Beata, a registered nurse, sought help for her daughter Maya’s extreme abdominal pain.

3. What were the allegations against Cathi Bedy before the Maya Kowalski case?

In 2007, Bedy faced allegations of child abuse for using troubling strategies to control the behavior of a 10-year-old boy while managing foster care children.

4. Did Maya Kowalski win the legal case against the Florida Children’s hospital?

Yes, Maya Kowalski won a $200 million lawsuit against the Florida children’s hospital in 2021.

5. What happened with the legal action against Cathi Bedy?

The case against Cathi Bedy was dropped by the Kowalski family shortly before the trial. It remains unclear if a settlement was reached.

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